At Myvendo Fair 2023, the exhibitor catalog will be replaced with a fair app where exhibitors can scan leads and download all information about the customers they have spoken to. At the same time, we would like to provide the promotion industry with even better information throughout the year. With 12 publications on PROMOTIONCREATOR.dk, the promotion industry now gets an online magazine with new products, promotional news and other interesting information.
In 2016, the promotion industry was without a Danish trade show. After a survey of colleagues and customers, we saw that there was need for a trade fair for professionals. In 2017, we launched the first edition of Myvendo Fair at the Odense Congress Center, and since then Myvendo Fair has grown into Scandinavia's largest promotion fair for professionals in the advertising and promotion industry.
In 1991, we started our company ADVERTIES. In the midst of a time when "Disney ties" were the wildest, we saw the idea of designing ties with corporate products or logos in a whole new way. Over time, our small business has evolved with new brands and new product lines. That's why we put all our brands under a new name: LOGObrands.
Under the LOGObrands umbrella you will find ADVERTIES, which is a special design and production of accessories, ties and scarves for companies who want their own design. AMENO and UNIform are our stock collections of ties and scarves that are used for corporate clothes and uniforms. MOCCADELI, is the last shot on the trunk. A little for coffee lovers and the sweet tooth. We supply coffee, cookies, filled chocolates, delicious caramels and nougat pieces, all hygienically packed, with company logo.
I hope the entire industry will take good notice of our new magazine, PROMOTION CREATOR.
Ole Larsen
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